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Sylvanas Ability Breakdown

by - 9 years ago


The former defender of Silvermoon is officially a ranged Specialist, but it is said that she toes the line between Specialist and Assassin. Not only can she siege down lanes very easily if left unchecked, she also has plenty of burst to gun down enemy heroes.

Basic Skills

Withering Fire:


This is an interesting ability; it automatically targets the nearest enemy unit and can be used on the move. Withering Fire is apparently not on a timed cooldown, but instead has charges that replenish when you kill enemy minions. Mashing the Withering Fire button is said to be the number one source of burst for Sylvanas.

Shadow Dagger:


Shadow Dagger seems like your basic Damage-over-Time but with a twist, as it will automatically spread to other nearby targets. This gives Ms. Windrunner great lane control, and a sure fire way to replenish her Withering Fire charges.

Haunted Wave:


Finally, we have Haunted Wave, which is Sylvanas’ mobility skill. The leader of the Forsaken will summon a somewhat slow-moving wave, which she can then can teleport into.

Heroic Skills

Wailing Arrow:


This particular heroic seems like one hell of an opener: AoE famage plus silence? Think Malfurion’s, but ranged. Just like the above image shows, it can also be used as a great Nazeebo counter.



Finally we have Sylvanas’ signature ability from Hearthstone: the ability to make a minion (or mercenary) shift sides. With this second heroic skill you can take control of your enemy minions and turn the tide of a battle.


Apparently Sylvanas’ trait is Dark Arrow, and makes her normal attacks disable towers. Sadly the presentation was hit with technical issues at this point and we couldn’t get better footage of the mechanics surrounding this ability.

What do you think guys, are you ready to give the Dark Lady a warm welcome to The Nexus?


JR Cook

JR has been writing for fan sites since 2000 and has been involved with Blizzard Exclusive fansites since 2003. JR was also a co-host for 6 years on the Hearthstone podcast Well Met! He helped co-found BlizzPro in 2013.

0 responses to “Sylvanas Ability Breakdown”

  1. David Shaft says:

    I seriously cannot wait!

  2. Armitage says:

    Do you think she’ll be able to handle team fights or is she more of a lane character ?