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Getting The Most Out Of Daily Quests

by - 8 years ago

Gold is fairly easy to come by when you first start playing Heroes of the Storm. Not only are the ways to earn it plentiful, but it also comes in large chunks. By the time you reach account level 40 you will have earned tens of thousands of gold. Unfortunately, your options for making gold are quite limited once you finish leveling your account and have every Hero past level 5. After that, the majority of your gold will come from playing games and completing daily quests. At this point that river of gold that you have been drinking from becomes a trickle, but there are ways to squeeze out a few extra drops.

The Basics


There are nine different daily quests. You get a new quest at random each day at 3 a.m PST, and you can have up to three quests active at once. Quests can be completed in Versus A.I., Quick Match, and Ranked modes. Here are the different daily quests that are available as well as their rewards:

  • Win 3 games and earn 600 gold
  • Play 8 games and earn 800 gold
  • Play 3 games as an Assassin Hero and earn 300 gold
  • Play 3 games as a Warrior Hero and earn 300 gold
  • Play 3 games as a Support Hero and earn 300 gold
  • Play 3 games as a Specialist Hero and earn 300 gold
  • Play 2 games as a Diablo Hero and earn 200 gold
  • Play 2 games as a Starcraft Hero and earn 200 gold
  • Play 2 games as a Warcraft Hero and earn 200 gold

Based on a 50% win rate, which is what the matchmaker strives to provide, each of these quests translates to 100 gold per game. Completing your daily quest each day will earn you an average of 356 gold and will take 3.6 games finish.

Time or Money?

Before we can talk about getting the most out of daily quests we have to determine what your goal is. Do you want to complete your quests in less time or do you want to earn more gold from the quests you do complete? There is no right or wrong answer, it just depends on your situation.




If you don’t have a lot of time to play Heroes and you want to be able to complete your dailies as efficiently as possible the answer is easy. Let your daily quests build up until you have three to do, and then complete them all on the same day. Since there is likely to be some overlap in these quests it will dramatically reduce the number of games required to complete them. Sadly, it will also reduce the amount of gold you earn per quest as well, but only slightly. Using this method you will make an average of 981 gold every three days and have to play approximately 6.2 games to earn it. This converts into roughly 158 gold per game played, which is a major improvement over the 100 gold per game you would earn by doing your quests daily. This is a very effective way to earn gold for those with limited play time and the time saved is easily worth the slight reduction in overall gold.



Things are a bit more complicated for those who have plenty of time to play and are looking to maximize the amount of gold they make per day. Since some quests reward more gold than others, you need to manipulate the system in order to increase your chances of getting higher value quests. The key to making this happen involves the franchise specific quests that require you to play two games with Warcraft, Starcraft, or Diablo Heroes. Your goal is to get two of these quests and keep them in your quest log. By not completing them, you increase the likelihood that your third quest will have a 300, 600, or 800 gold reward. Using this method you will earn an average of 400 gold per day and have play four games. The trade off for this additional gold is that you are limited to only playing Heroes from one franchise. If your Hero pool is limited this may influence which franchise you play, but if you own a large number of Heroes you can base it on personal preference. Just remember you need to have a Warrior, Support, Assassin, and Specialist for your franchise of choice.


Both of these methods have their downsides, but depending on what you are trying to accomplish they might be worth it for you. Regardless of whether you use one of these methods or not, be sure to complete a daily quest at least once every three days. Failure to do so means one less daily that you will receive and that is gold you can never get back. If you want to complete your dailies even faster, play Versus A.I. games. These games are less challenging and grant less experience than Quick Match or Hero League games, but they are much shorter, which will allow you to complete your dailies even faster.

Good luck and have funds.

JR Cook

JR has been writing for fan sites since 2000 and has been involved with Blizzard Exclusive fansites since 2003. JR was also a co-host for 6 years on the Hearthstone podcast Well Met! He helped co-found BlizzPro in 2013.

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