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Heroes of the Storm Fall Championship Group B Decider Recap SPOILERS

by - 7 years ago

Group B decider has come and gone and we here at Blizzpro have a re-cap for you on how it all played out. Recaps contain Spoilers.

ZeroPanda(China) vs Fnatic(EU)

Game 1.

Map: Braxis Holdout

Bans: Valla, Tassadar, Zeratul, Valla

ZeroPanda Draft: Malfurion(GM), Johanna(Six), Li-Ming(SK), Chen(M), Falstad(C)

Fnatic Draft: E.T.C.(Breez), Jaina(Quakniix), Zagara(Schwimpi), Rexxar(Wubby), Tyrande(SmX)

First blood at 1:46 taking out Johanna and giving the early lead to Fnatic followed up shortly with a kill on Falstad. At 3:35 Jaina falls to Zeropanda. At 4:27 Fnatic gets a 100-0 Zerg swarm which pushes bottom hard while blowing up the Fort. At 6:31 Falstad dies to Fnatic. At 8:18 Fnatic takes another 100-0 Zerg swarm. ZeroPanda gets a 2-0 team fight at 9:09 while defending against the swarm. ZeroPanda takes a 2-0 team fight at 12:07 on the beacon fight. 13:58 Fnatic gets a kill on Falstad while defending their Keep against a Zerg swarm. Great gust by Falstad at 19:23 to stall the game and take a 100-0 Zerg swarm. 3-3 trade at 19:49 which results in the Zerg swarm taking out the core. ZeroPanda wins game 1

Game 2.

Map: Dragon Shire

Bans: Tassadar, Illidan, Zeratul, Chen

ZeroPanda Draft: Rehgar(GM), Muradin(Six), Li-Ming(SK), Dehaka(M), Falstad(C)

Fnatic Draft: E.T.C.(Breez), Valla(Quakniix), Tychus(Schwimpi), Tyrael(Wubby), Malfurion(SmX)

ZeroPanda takes an easy uncontested Dragon Knight at 1:32. Ar 2:41 ZeroPanda takes out Tychus quickly to push ahead with their lead.  At 3:26 ZeroPanda takes a 2 kill lead deleting Tychus. At the 4:10 mark 1-1 trade in opposite lanes. 5:28 Li-Ming gets zoned out and killed by Fnatic. Muradin dies off screen around 6:02. ZeroPanda stops a shrine channel at the last second at 6:25.  Tychus deleted at the 8:04 by a Falstad fly in. Fnatic kills Muradin at the 8:31 mark during a team fight. At 9:22 ZeroPanda gets a kill on Tyrael leading to a Dragon Knight take. Full use of the Dragon Knight nets ZeroPanda the bottom Fort and a full level experience lead.  12:52 ZeroPanda fishes for a kill but settles for the top Fort. Muradin gets deleted at 13:43 by ETC followed by a Dehaka kill for a 2-0 team fight in favor of Fnatic. 14:53 Fnatic takes the Dragon Knight and destroys the mid Fort equalizing the experience. A lot of zoning and safe play takes place for 6 minutes. 22:24 Fnatic takes a 2-0 team fight. Fnatic takes Dragon Knight at 23:29 and starts to push an open bottom lane. Fnatic gets a 2-0 team wipe that allows them to push the core for a 1-1 tie in the Match.

Game 3.

Map: Cursed Hollow

Bans: Illidan, Zeratul, Medivh, Dehaka

ZeroPanda Draft: Brightwing(GM), Tychus(Six), Muradin(SK), Tyrael(M), Abathur(C)

Fnatic Draft: E.T.C.(Breez), Falstad(Quakniix), Li-Ming(Schwimpi), Stitches(Wubby), Malfurion(SmX)

At 2:52 Fnatic takes the first tribute uncontested. 5:14 Fnatic takes first blood off of a Stitches hook on Tyrael. Fnatic then follows up shortly by winning a 2-0 team fight. 1 for 1 trade team fight at the 7:05 mark and ZeroPanda takes its first tribute making it 2-1 in the tribute count. Clutch Sanctification at 8:50 allows ZeroPanda to take the tribute making it even at 2-2. Zeropanda curses Fnatic at the 12:00 minute mark. At 14:42 a great Sanctification causes a 1-1 trade which would have been 1-0 but max range hook evens it up.  ZeroPanda takes a 4-1 trade at the 17:34 mark and take two Keeps. 22:21 Tyreal dies giving Fnatic the advantage.Fifhr breaks out at 23:20 and ZeroPanda loses a 20-0 team fight. Fnatic takes the fight and the match 2-1 in a dramatic fashion with the boss pushing the core.

JR Cook

JR has been writing for fan sites since 2000 and has been involved with Blizzard Exclusive fansites since 2003. JR was also a co-host for 6 years on the Hearthstone podcast Well Met! He helped co-found BlizzPro in 2013.

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